John David Norman
"The Colonel, John Paul Norman, Steven Gurwell,
Matthew Martinez, Doug White & Alan Hitchcock"
Norman was instrumental in forming the early stages of what we are calling Pizza/Pedogate.
The sale and murder of children, and movement of housing were all in formative stages created by these characters and later ironed out and cleaned up by later adopters of the program(s)

Richard Ramirez
"The Night Stalker"
“I need not look beyond this courtroom to see all the liars, the haters, the killers, the crooks, the paranoid cowards...We are all expendable for a cause. No one knows that better than those who kill for policy, clandestinely or openly, as do the governments of the world which kill in the name of God and country.”
-Ramirez, addressing the court

Herb Baumeister
"The Fox Hollow Farm Murders & The I-70 Strangler"
Ted Fleischaker, who publishes a newspaper for the Indianapolis gay community, complained that police don’t have solid evidence linking
Baumeister to the nine slayings.
“They just decided to take some stuff out of old files, dust it off and say we solved this,” he said. “It’s a neat election-year ploy to get some sheriffs, and some people who are incompetent, re-elected.”
Frederick, Maryland Newspaper |
Wednesday, April 29, 1998

Luka Magnotta
"The Canadian Psycho"
During a sex break, Magnotta thought he saw a black car parked outside his building and became paranoid about a government conspiracy involving Lin.
Psychiatrist Marie-Frederique Allard said Magnotta began hearing voices telling him to tie up Lin and to "cut it" and to "do it, he's from the government."
The Canadian Press | November 11, 2014

Robert Andrew Berdella Jr.
"The Kansas City Butcher & The Collector"
Satanic and occult artifacts were scattered throughout the house. At least twenty books on Satanism and/or witchcraft were found.
The Bizarre Bazaar was filled with occult paraphernalia.
Programmed To Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder by author David McGowan

Cary Stayner
''The Yosemite (Park) Killer''
Nick Rossi of the FBI said early on,
“the assumption is that more than one
person is involved.”
James Maddock, the FBI’s lead investigator on the case, added that they were “operating under the assumption this was a very difficult crime for one person to commit.”
cbsnews | July 29, 1999

Long Island Serial Killer(s)
"The Gilgo Beach Killer or The Craigslist Ripper"
Some insist the murders to be the work of a satanic cult, or of a man who made snuff films.
There are those who talk about Eyes Wide Shut-style sex parties on big, expensive boats, where influential men in Suffolk politics had an incentive to cover-up their dalliances.
Inside the Bizarre, Unsolved Case of the Long Island Serial Killer - VICE

Maury Travis
"The Street Walker Strangler, The Bi-State Strangler &
The Videotape Killer"
Travis would start asking the women to engage in bizarre rituals, such as having them dance in white clothes or wear sunglasses with the lenses blackened so they could not see.
Then he would take them captive, binding them with ropes and handcuffs and covering their eyes with duct tape. He would then begin to torment them, either in the bedroom, or after dragging them downstairs to the basement and shackling them to a wooden post.

Albert DeSalvo
"The Boston Strangler, The Measuring Man & The Green Man''
''He was going to, at some point in time, when it was right, he was going to talk, and name names heads were going to roll. He said real big, important people were going to, their heads were going to roll when he opens his mouth.''
-Richard DeSalvo

Gary Ridgway
"The Green River Killer(s)"
''What were the rocks in the vagina about?’’
''I don’t know. That was R.J.’s thing. Something about the pyramid-shaped rock and money.
Like the pyramid on the back of dollar bills.''
Defending Gary: Unravelling the Mind of the Green River Killer by author Mark Prothero

Gary Heidnik
"The Madman of Marshall Street"
The jury never saw the documentation of Gary’s unwitting participation in military LSD experiments.
The jury never heard that only 1 in 79,000 military veterans who apply for benefits due to a mental disability get a 100% disability rating and are awarded benefits for life. Heidnik had received such a deal, and he had not even filed for it.
Programmed To Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder by author David McGowan

Robert Lee Yates Jr.
"The Spokane Washington's Serial Killer"
But remember, when the people once part with power, they can seldom or never resume it but by force. Many instances can be produced in which the people have voluntarily increased the powers of their rulers; but few, if any, in which rulers have willingly abridged their authority. This is a sufficient reason to induce you to be careful, in the first instance, how you deposit the powers of government.”

Bryan Kohberger
"The 2022 University of Idaho killings''
A single assailant murdering multiple people with only a knife, while leaving still other people inside unharmed. Despite it being highly improbable that such a person could not only overpower that many people, but prevent someone from escaping and/or alerting authorities. There was also a dog in the home.

Jesse McFadden
"The 2023 Henryetta killings"
McFadden was convicted of rape in 2003 and was sentenced to 20 years in prison, serving 17 years before being released in 2020. In 2017, while serving his sentence, he was accused of sexting an underage girl.
On the day of the shooting, he was scheduled to face trial for his 2017 offense after numerous delays.

Kenneth 'Mad Dog' McKenna
"The Godfather of Lust, Kenneth Alvin Clooley & Kenneth Alvin McKenna"
Kenneth McKenna was reportedly a satanic fourth priest in the Hand of Death cult, to which Ottis Toole and Henry Lee Lucas also often claimed to have been members.
McKenna was also a serial sex murderer who enjoyed choking young girls by ligature strangulation with a black silk stocking.

Leonard Lake & Charles Ng
"The California Killing Field"
Early on in the investigation, the local chief of police Con Murphy issued a telling
“This may be a case of mass murder or a cult situation...A cult case is a possibility we’re not going to exclude at this time.”
Eye of Evil by author Joseph Harrington & Robert Burger

Lawrence Bittaker & Roy Norris
"The Toolbox Killers"
What happened during the Lamp-Gilliam murder?
Roy was the one who got excited about having sex. I kind of stumbled into it. Technically, it was rape; they were snatched off the street and tied up. But we treated them well. We partied with them. Gave them food, smoked marijuana and drank. Given the circumstances, it was the most friendly rape situation. I’m the local friendly rapist.
Transcript of a 2007 Bizarre Magazine interview with Lawrence Bittaker

Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka
"The Ken & Barbie Couple / The Scarborough Rapist"
Is there a difference for you between the concept of the occult and satanism?" Carolyn MacDonald asked.
"Yes. I believe that the occult is more involved in the spiritual world and doesn't necessarily have to do with the devil," Karla postulated, enjoying her dissertation. "Although some people would say that being involved in the occult is being involved in Satan's world. Some people believe that astrology is the devil's work.
Invisible Darkness: The Strange Case Of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka by author Stephen Williams

Dean Corll & Elmer Wayne Henley Jr.
"The Candyman & The Houston Mass Murders"
(Q) In 1976, Houston authorites announced that investigations of child pornography had linked other local pedophiles with Corll's murder ring, but no prosecutions were planned. Did any prosecutions take place?
(A) (henley) I've no idea, and wish someone would investigate this.
Elmer Wayne Henley Jr.
# 241618 Telford Unit P.O. Box 9200
New Boston, TX 75570

"The Zodiac Killer(s)"
By late May, 1968, victim Darlene Ferrin knew that CIA’s Artichoke team was involved in a conspiracy to induce an individual of Palestinian descent, under influence of Project Artichoke,
to perform an involuntary act of attempted assassination against a government official.
Project Artichoke by author David M. Silvey

The Zebra murders
"The Death Angels''
The Zebra Killings were, “execution-style shootings that killed 14 people and wounded eight others between October 1973 and April 1974, mostly at night along the San Francisco city’s Divisadero Street corridor.
The gunmen were African American and the victims were mostly white.
The killings got the Zebra label from police use of a special radio band, the Z channel, in their investigation.”

Charles Whitman
"The Texas Tower Sniper"
Firing with uncanny accuracy, he picked off fifteen victims in the first thirty-five minutes alone, with shots coming at various times from all four sides of the clock tower.
So many shots were pouring out of the sniper’s nest at times that many witnesses on the ground assumed that there were multiple gunmen.
Programmed To Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder by author David McGowan

Adam Lanza
''The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting''
Some theories have alleged that the shooting was a hoax and a false flag operation staged by the United States government.
Others claim the attack is being used by politicians to push through new gun control legislation, or to otherwise persecute gun owners and survivalists.

Thomas Hamilton
"The Dunblane School Massacre"
''I believe that Hamilton was a major provider of pornographic photographs and videos to a ring of men prominent in Central Scotland, including police officers who protected him from numerous allegations of physical abuse at boys’ camps and clubs he ran.''
Dunblane Unburied by author Sandra Uttley

Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold
"The Columbine High School Massacre"
The Rocky Mountain News stated conspicuously in an article released on 04-29-1999,
"Dozens of witnesses interviewed by police after the crime claimed that from five to eight individuals participated in the shooting that left 15 people dead, including the killers, and more than 20 injured."

John Allen Muhammad
"The D.C. Sniper & The Beltway Sniper"
Just hours before the suspects were arrested, Chief Charles Moose - who has become a fixture on cable and network newscasts - issued via national television what appeared for all the world to be a post-hypnotic, 'triggering' cue.
"We have caught the sniper like a duck in a noose."
"We understand that hearing us say this is important to you."

Seung-Hui Cho
"The Virginia Tech Shooting"
''I've seen enough movies to know that "two in the trunk, one in the head" is the standard for professional, trained assassins. Apparently this is exactly what this guy was aiming for, and by the kill count he did exceptionally well.''
-Dr. Joseph Cacioppo, an emergency room doctor at Montgomery

Ted Kaczynski
"The Unabomber, FC"
Between 1978 and 1995, someone mailed or hand-delivered a series of increasingly sophisticated bombs that cumulatively killed three people and injured 23 others.
In all, 16 bombs were attributed to Kaczynski. While the bombing devices varied widely through the years, all but the first few contained the initials "FC", which Kaczynski later said stood for "Freedom Club", inscribed on parts inside.

Jim Jones
"The Leader of Peoples Temple Cult"
Vernon Gosney, former Peoples Temple Member:
"Jim Jones represented the Peoples Temple
as a progressive movement that was threatened.
That there were outside forces who didn’t want us to do what we were doing. And it was the government. The government was infiltrating and wiretapping and trying to kill people or assassinate people.
That’s what was happening."

Natascha Kampusch
"The Girl in the Cellar"
A dormant investigation into one of Austria's most notorious kidnap cases is likely to be reopened after suggestions that Natascha Kampusch, the schoolgirl who vanished for eight years, was not held in a cellar throughout her ordeal as had been widely believed and may have been the victim of a pedophile ring rather than of a lone perpetrator.
The Southland Times | 08-03-2009

Joran van der Sloot
''The Disappearance of Natalee Holloway''
''06-20-2005 The National Enquirer can
reveal that police on Aruba are investigating
this theory, which centers on whether narcotics dealers supplied Joran with the drug ecstasy, helped him get rid of Natalee's body — and told him he'd vanish forever if he didn't keep his mouth shut.''
“Joran’s statements have changed many times because he does not want police to find out who helped dispose of Natalee’s body,” said a source close to the case. “Police believe that people involved in getting rid of the body have threatened to murder Joran and his family if he ever names them.”

Pietro Pacciani
"The Monster of Florence"
Prosecutors stated that the Monster of Florence murders were the work of a "split-level" conspiracy.
The killing was done by an semi-literate farmer, Pietro Pacciani, and two other men who were convicted and sentenced in the late 1990s. "But a group of people who celebrated black masses and magical rites put the weapons into their hands."
BBC News | Friday, 23 January, 2004

Viktor Sayenko & Igor Suprunyuk
"The Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs"
One suspect's girlfriend reported that they planned to make forty separate videos of murders. This was corroborated by a former classmate who claimed he often heard Suprunyuk was in contact with an unknown
"rich foreign website operator" who ordered forty snuff videos, and would pay lots of money once they were made.

Alcàsser Girls
"The Alcàsser Murders"
According to the police, Antonio Angles and Miguel Ricart raped, tortured and killed the girls. Period. That is the official story and they’ve stuck to it all these years.
However, anybody and everybody has been suspected over the years political candidates,
a handful of wealthy, high-profile businessmen.
Hell, even the King of Spain was accused at one point.

Bevan Spencer von Einem
"The Family Murders"
A group of homosexual men in powerful and privileged positions were responsible for kidnapping, torturing and murdering young men and that they were being protected by others in high places.
1984. ‘The Family’: South Australia’s mysterious, murderous homosexuals by author Colin Clews