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Conspiracy, Blackmail, Serial Killers, Mind Control, Brainwashing, Secret Societies, Mass murders, Snuff Films, Child Pornography, Cover-Up, Programmed To Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder, Scapegoat, Fall Guy, Accomplices, Corruption, Human Sacrifices, Satanism, Gary Ridgway, The Green River Killer, Richard Allen Sanders,

Gary Ridgway

02-18-1949 Born

"The Green River Killer(s)"


In August 1992, True Detective magazine ran a feature which claimed to reveal the possible identity of the elusive serial slayer: Washington’s Green River Killer.


In a piece entitled ‘After Ten Years – Is The Mystery Solved? Was The Snuff Movie Maker The Green River Killer?’ author Barry Benedict links a forty-five-year-old ‘Narcotics manufacturer and ‘’snuff’’ pornographer’ by the name of Richard Allen Sanders with the notorious murder case. 

Conspiracy, Blackmail, Serial Killers, Mind Control, Brainwashing, Secret Societies, Mass murders, Snuff Films, Child Pornography, Cover-Up, Programmed To Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder, Scapegoat, Fall Guy, Accomplices, Corruption, Human Sacrifices, Satanism, Gary Ridgway, The Green River Killer, Richard Allen Sanders,
Conspiracy, Blackmail, Serial Killers, Mind Control, Brainwashing, Secret Societies, Mass murders, Snuff Films, Child Pornography, Cover-Up, Programmed To Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder, Scapegoat, Fall Guy, Accomplices, Corruption, Human Sacrifices, Satanism, Gary Ridgway, The Green River Killer, Richard Allen Sanders,
Satanic Ritual Abuse, Conspiracy, Blackmail, Snuff Films, Serial Killers, Mind Control, Brainwashing, Secret Societies, Mass murders
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Satanic Ritual Abuse, Conspiracy, Blackmail, Snuff Films, Serial Killers, Mind Control, Brainwashing, Secret Societies, Mass murders
Satanic Ritual Abuse, Conspiracy, Blackmail, Snuff Films, Serial Killers, Mind Control, Brainwashing, Secret Societies, Mass murders
Satanic Ritual Abuse, Conspiracy, Blackmail, Snuff Films, Serial Killers, Mind Control, Brainwashing, Secret Societies, Mass murders
Satanic Ritual Abuse, Conspiracy, Blackmail, Snuff Films, Serial Killers, Mind Control, Brainwashing, Secret Societies, Mass murders
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