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Leonard Lake & Charles Ng
10-29-1945 Born
"The California Killing Field"
06-06-1985 Died
Claralyn ''Cricket'' Balazs, told investigators Lake believed in witches and often described himself as a "pagan."
"Leonard has always been involved with witches and paganism," she told police. "I remember when I first met him, we went to the Witches Ball., in Oakland." She said Lake had a "sacrificial sword," and a "tree meant more to him, in my opinion, than a human life."
Balazs, added that "I never saw any rituals of. you know, death and killing - but there were religious-type rituals of worshiping the goddess...."
Marysville Yuba Sutter Appeal Democrat Newspaper Archives
November 22, 1985

12-24-1960 Born
Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up
Part 87 (Leonard Lake, Charles Ng &
Claralyn ''Cricket'' Balazs)

Journey Into Evil - Leonard Lake &
Charles Ng Documentary

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