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Luka Magnotta
07-24-1982 Born
"The Canadian Psycho"
To Netflix, Anna Yourkin shared that a man named “Manuel Lopez” became involved with Magnotta by paying him for his male escort services. She said that Magnotta was making a lot of money with his clientele, but that he soon became involved with a “darker, more elusive crowd.” She added, “They were into fetishes, abuse, and they liked to dominate…around this time, a client was becoming more than a client.
More like his…keeper.
A client by the name of Manny.
''Manual Manny Lopez.”

Luka Magnotta Exclusively Speaks
About John Bittrolff Long Island
Serial Killer
'Don't F*** With Cats' Luka's Mom
Says Third Hand Belongs To Manny |

auditions for plastic surgery show

Barbie tells all about dating killer
Luka Magnotta

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